bts – crm

VFS – Britain Travel Shop wanted to create an end-to-end CRM tool which would keep a track on all the leads generated. The tool was created to help in furbishing relevant analytics and BI reports for further actions. It would also allow managers to keep a track on employee performance, center performance and country performance, re-assign tasks, manage ad inventory, etc.

  • CRM Development
  • Front-end & Back-end Development

BTS has its offices all across the globe and not all the centers followed same process flow. For example, internet connectivity is not available in all VAC offices, Dubai offices followed a different process for tracking and ordering the inventory details, few countries sold different products etc.

  • An entire end-to-end CRM tool was designed and developed keeping in mind the different process flows followed by different countries.

  • The tool allowed associates at Visa Application Center (VAC) to capture the lead in defined process.

  • The tool allowed to track the lead in the system and put a closure in terms of the closed lead.

  • It also helped in providing data to analyze the user behavior and customer service level.

  • The tool is intuitive which allowed associates to make more sale and offer more discounts to facilitate large number of sales.

  • The back-end helped country managers to keep track of performance at employee level, VAC level and country level and at the same time manage ad-inventory, sales revenue etc.

  • The tool has recently been implemented across all offices, all over the globe.

  • Employees found the tool very useful as it helped them facilitate the sales and meet their daily target.